I’m sitting here in my little thatched-roof bungalow in Belize, looking out the window at the rain and mysteriously named jungle plants, waiting for my husband to wake up. The locals are saying the rainy season started early this year, the result of global warming and an angry Mother Earth. I’m starting to get paranoid about the world ending in 2012. I’ve been hanging out in the center of the ancient Mayan civilization after all, and they’re the ones who started the rumor. All signs point to a day of reckoning.
Our tour guides proudly tell us they are the descendants of the Maya. They have led us over pyramids and through caves, taught us the medicinal uses of this tree and that shrub, taught us how to bark like Howler Monkeys. They have introduced us to the skeleton of a woman exactly my age, a human sacrifice hundreds of years old, brought half a mile into the earth through a maze of stalagmites and stalactites, over rocks and through narrow crevices. She must have waded through the same underground river, felt the same cold limestone walls as she navigated through the dark. Or were her hands tied behind her back? Did she speak as she was led to her death? Did she beg to be set free? Or did she believe it was an honor to be a gift to the gods?
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