I guess staying home sick is as good a time as any to write a blog post. It’s miserable and rainy outside and Peanut’s going crazy because she’s desperate for a walk, but I’m pretty sure once she gets out there she’s going to change her mind. She’s a prissy girl and doesn’t like getting her feet wet. If I was feeling better, I wouldn’t actually mind being out there in the rain. I’m from Seattle after all, and it really does rain there as much as people say it does, and I find it kind of comforting. I’m going to be a rain snob and say it’s comical what people call a “storm” here. It rains more than an inch and everybody’s on red alert, the city of Berkeley floods, and people stay home from work. I wish I wasn’t sick so I could trudge through the rain and show everyone how a real woman does it–without an umbrella, holding a cup of coffee and a leash and talking on the phone at the same time.
Did I really just write that long ass paragraph about the weather? I must really be bored.
In other news, I have way too many books piled up on my bedside table waiting to be read. A few of them have already been read, but I’ve been too lazy to move them back to the bookshelf. Here’s a sample: Youth in Revolt, by C.D. Page (I’ve never read this but apparently it’s a classic. And anything’s that’s been made into a movie starring Michael Cera definitely deserves my time); The Scientific American Day in the Life of Your Brain: A 24-Hour Journal of What’s Happening to Your Brain as You Sleep, Dream, Wake Up, Eat, Work, Play, Fight, Love, Worry, Compete, Hope, Make Important Decisions, Age, and Change (I’m reading this for my work’s book club. I usually don’t participate because they usually read business books, but I’m a sucker for anything that’ll help me understand that squishy gray mass of crazy in my head–and for subtitles that barely fit on the cover); and Some Girls Are, by Courtney Summers (which I’ve been wanting to read ever since I heard about it months ago, plus Courtney is rad and we share the same rad agent and the same rad haircut, and as soon as I finish it, she’s agreed to do a rad interview for this silly little blog, so I almost want to skip what I’m currently reading–Cavedweller, by one of my all-time favorite writers Dorothy Allison–but I can’t quit now because it’s too freakin’ good.)
So now what should I do? I’ve written two incredibly long paragraphs about weather and books, my dog needs a walk but is distracted for the time being by a chewing on a rawhide, I’m craving a cheeseburger and fries (which is definitely not allowed on my no-carb, no-dairy diet), I’m still in my pajamas and my hair’s sticking up all over the place, I have a million books I want to read (but I also have cable TV), my body aches, my throat is sore, my head hurts, I’m bored, and do I even need to mention that new novel that needs to be written?
Hmm…. I think I’ll take a nap. Good night everyone (well, good afternoon really).
Jealous much? Yes I am.
Jealous much? Yes I am. Even of being sick… being home with a dog and a stack of books and cable TV is a far better place than work to be on a rainy day.
Yeah, but I keep feeling this nagging anxiety like I should be doing something productive, even though I’m too tired to do anything productive, so I can’t really relax and enjoy it. Except I did just take a bath and change into a clean pair of pajamas, so that’s something.
Obviously I hit “submit” too soon that first time.